One of the things I love most about OREA is the amazing effort our members expend in improving their communities by volunteering in a multitude of projects and activities.
After a career of guiding and educating students, teachers deserve a full and relaxing retirement. Many enjoy only those perks, but surprisingly, many outstanding teachers accept the invitation to join Oregon Retired Educators Association and continue to volunteer to help their communities.
These special educators may choose to work with young students, helping them to become efficient readers or to work through problems they experience in growing or in a classroom. Others may choose to support working teachers, firemen and police officers by acknowledging their contributions to our society with cards, cookies and material drives. Some units support their local food bank. We have one unit that sponsors a “Kitchen Band” that entertains the elderly in assisted living homes, adult church groups and youth in schools with upbeat music and classic songs. A small unit with only nine members has recently collected diapers for a relief nursery, made place mats for an adult care center, made lap robes for the Infusion and Dialysis Centers. They plan to give coffee mugs and candy bars, along with a "thank you for your service" to 100 transportation workers in three school districts. Talk about spirit! There are many other wonderful OREA projects around the state that I can’t list here, but are deeply appreciated by the recipients.
Our OREA Memorial Board receives funds from members to provide scholarships to college students pursuing geriatric studies. We have adopted the Criterion Schoolhouse that was moved from Eastern Oregon to the State Fairgrounds in Salem. Members man the one room school during the fair telling the story of education in pioneer days. They also contribute to provide maintenance for the building. We have members involved in a “Teachers Brigade” who actively assist working teachers. During COVID restrictions, it became a “Book Fairy” project that provided fun books to isolated young readers. Our state newsletter “The Chalkboard” puts out an excellent publication thanks to our volunteer editor.
As you can see, Oregon teachers are unique, generous, creative and active long after their retirement to the benefit of all Oregonians. I treasure my social interaction with these vibrant people and am proud to serve as their State President. We all work to live up to our motto “To Serve and Not Be Served”. Come join us!